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Transceivers on sale - SDRplay SDR radios

Transceivers on sale
SDRPlay is a small group of engineers based mainly in the UK, where they also manufacture and test their very popular SDR radios using British subcontractor partners. SDRPlay has both software and hardware expertise and genuinely enjoy helping radioamateurs to get the most out of the SDR radios.
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Product number: RSPduo
259.04 EUR 233.13 EUR
25.90 EUR 10%
On stock
The SDRplay RSPduo is a dual-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR receiver, which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving 10MHz of spectrum visibility. Combined with the power of SDRuno software for Windows, you can simultaneously monitor two completely separate 2MHz bands of spectrum anywhere between 1kHz and 2GHz. The RSPduo SDR receiver provides three software selectable antenna inputs, and clocking features ideally suited to industrial, scientific and educational applications. All it needs is a PC and an antenna to provide excellent communications receiver functionality. A documented API allows developers to create new demodulators or applications around the platform.