Anico Kft. is 31 years old. Since the beginning of our business year in 1992, we have experienced many changes, failures, but most of all: successes in the history of the company.
Thanks to the successes of the last 31 years, the number of products in our portfolio, the number of our customers, our turnover and our staff grew almost every year, and we continued to expand in areas where the lack of human resources had been a barrier to growth. This expansion has made it necessary to build new company headquarters in Nyíregyháza, where the ever-increasing number of employees can work in a much larger, more modern and state-of-the-art building.
The 2021 GINOP PLUSZ-1.2.1-21-2021-01986 grant gave us the opportunity to implement the real estate development with the help of grant funding and celebrate our 31st birthday in a brand new office. With the nearly HUF 154 million we received from the tender, we have, among other things, completed the buildings shown in the visual plan.
We built a new 189 m2 warehouse behind the main building. The plans also included the construction of kerbing, a road, pavement, car park and fence as well as installation of security systems, barrier system, access control system, new office furniture and equipment. Renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and heat pumps were also installed.
In the new warehouse, we will be able to store and move stocks in a contemporary way, which will allow us to serve our customers faster and easier. The new improvements have also increased our repair service capacity. We can now work with more modern service tools, so that we can detect faults faster on in-warranty and out-of-warranty equipment and our customers can receive their repaired radio equipment sooner. Our service centre has also been completely refurbished with new furniture, making it easier to store service parts.
The EU funding, which is part of the Széchenyi Plan Plus programme, was used to purchase equipment and train our employees, in addition to improving our real estate and change to renewable energy sources. The development will bring our company up to the level of EU SMEs, improve the efficiency of our production processes and reduce our operating costs. Anico Kft will be able to maintain its employees and create even more job opportunities in a changing business environment.
We welcome all customers to our new office.