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Yaesu FTM-6000E FM VHF/UHF 50W mobile transceiver / with 5 year warranty

Model: FTM-6000XDE
Nyíregyháza (HU): 18 pieces in stock
Budapest (HU): 1 pieces in stock
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Product variations:
Owner's manual (in digital format):
271.95 EUR (228.53 EUR + VAT)


The Yaesu FTM-6000E is an easy-to-use FM mobile transceiver for the 2m and 70cm amateur radio bands. Transmit power is max 50 W, which can be switched to 25 and 5 W. The unit supports FM and NFM (Narrow FM) modes as well as AM (aviation radio) reception. The receiver operates in the range 108 to 999 MHz. On the transmitter side, the 2m and 70cm amateur bands are covered.

The large display allows easy reading of the operating frequency. Only the selected band is displayed at a time; the Yaesu FTM-6000E transceiver has only one receiver. For monitoring multiple frequencies, powerful functions such as Scan and Priority Watch (Dualwatch) are available. A new feature is the two large function buttons to the left and right of the display. These buttons form the basis of the new "Easy to Operate" (E2O) concept. Here the user can program the most important menu functions individually on the buttons. The result is an operation that suits every application.

The most frequently used frequencies can be stored in memory, with 1000 memory locations available. Each memory can be given an alphanumeric name, for example the call sign of the repeater. In order to access a selected group of memories particularly and quickly, a separate "PMG Primary Memory Group" button is available. Conveniently, all memories are automatically grouped by band, so all frequencies of a band are always grouped together.

Convenient operation is enhanced by the remote control panel of the Yaesu FTM-6000E. A bracket and a separation cable are supplied, allowing the control panel to be mounted in the optimal position in the vehicle. The control panel has space for the optional 'BU-4' Bluetooth card, which can be easily retrofitted by the user. The optional Bluetooth unit (BU-4) allows operation with a Bluetooth headset (e.g. SSM-BT10) or hands-free kit. A Bluetooth headset is very useful in many situations; in the vehicle, a BT hands-free system can contribute to driving safety. On the back of the Yaesu FTM-6000 transceiver there is a 10-pin "Data" socket, which can be used to operate e.g. Packet Radio or an external voice recorder. Another "Data" socket is used for programming with the appropriate PC software. The control panel of the FTM-6000E is detachable, a 3 m separation cable and a bracket are supplied. This allows the control panel to be mounted in a conveniently accessible location.

Main features of Yaesu FTM-6000E mobile transceiver:

  • 50W / 25W / 5W stable high power with heavy-duty heat sink
  • 3W powerful, clear sounding speaker
  • New user interface - E2O-III (Easy to Operate-III)
  • PMG (Primary Memory Group): instant recall of frequently used frequencies
  • MAG (Memory Auto Grouping): automatic categorisation of all memory channels
  • VFO band skip function
  • Memory data transfer to VFO register
  • Wide reception coverage from 108MHz to 999,995MHz
  • Wireless operation via Bluetooth® headset (with purchase of optional BU-4 bluetooth panel)
  • Removable front panel
  • 1100 memory channels with character alphanumeric labels

Yaesu FTM-6000E mobile transceiver package includes:

  • FTM-6000E European standard VHF/UHF FM amateur radio mobile transceiver
  • multifunction DTMF microphone - SSM-85D
  • mounting bracket
  • mounting bracket for the controller
  • control cable 10ft (3m)
  • USB cable
  • DC power cable
  • User manual

The factory default setting for amateur transceivers does not cover transmission outside the amateur bands.

FTM-6000R/E Programming Software ADMS-13 (Ver.

Frequency Range
RX 108 -137MHz (AIR Band), 137 - 174MHz (144MHz HAM / VHF Band), 174 -400MHz, 400 -480MHz (430MHz HAM / UHF Band), 480 -999.995MHz
TX 144 - 148MHz or 144 - 146MHz, 430 -450MHz or 430 -440MHz (Depends on the transceiver version)
Channel Steps 5, 6.25, (8.33), 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100kHz (8.33kHz:Only for Air band)
Frequency Stability ±2.5ppm (-20°C to +60°C)
Emission Type F2D, F3E
Supply Voltage Nominal 13.BV DC, Negative Ground
Current Consumption 0.5A {Receive) 10A (50W TX, 144MHz) 10A (50W TX, 430MHz)
Operating Temperature -20° C to +60°C
Case Size Radio Unit 139 x 42 x 132mm w/o Fan Controller 140 x 40.5 x 35mm w/o Knob
Weight (Approx.) 1.1kg with Radio Unit, Controller, Control Cable
RF Power Output 50W/25W/5W
Modulation Type F2D, F3E Variable Reactance Modulation
Maximum Deviation ±5kHz
Spurious Emission At least 60dB below
Microphone lmpedance 2kΩ
Data Jack lmpedance 10kΩ
Circuit Type Double-Conversion Super heterodyne
lntermediate Frequencies 1 st:58.05MHz, 2nd:450kHz
Sensitivity 0.8µV TYP for 10dB SN (108 - 137MHz, AM) 0.2µV for 12dB SINAD (137 -150MHz, FM) 0.25µV for 12dB SINAD (150 -174MHz, FM) 0.3µV TYP for 12dB SINAD (174 - 222MHz, FM) 0.25µV TYP for 12dB SINAD (222 -300MHz, FM) 0.8µV TYP for 10dB SN (300 -338MHz, AM) 0.25µV for 12dB SINAD (338 - 420 MHz, FM) 0.2µV for 12dB SINAD (420-470 MHz, FM) 0.2µV for 12dB SINAD (470-520MHz, FM) 0.4µV TYP for 12dB SINAD (800 - 900MHz, FM) 0.8µVTYP for 12dB SINAD (900 -999.99MHz, FM)
Selectivity NFM, AM 12kHz / 30kHz (-6dB / -60dB)
AF Output 3W (80, THD 10%, 13.8V) lnternal Speaker 3W (80, THD 10%, 13.8V) External Speaker
AF Output lmpedance
Strength of secondary radio waves 4nW and below


15 rating
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Kiváló rádió, nekem tetszik hogy nem szines kijelzője van. Az egész egy jól összerakott eszköz és súlya is van. Stabilban PMR sávon dolgozik.
Kábel nélkül is gyorsan be lehet állítani és elnevezni a csatornákat.
A kiszolgálás és szállítás is szuper és gyors.
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Minden rendben ment.
Gyors kiszállítás, kiváló minőségű termék,
Magyar nyelvű kezelési útmutató.
Kifogástalan üzlet.
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Nagyon jó készülék, továbbra is megbízhatóan működik, mint az első, amit még 2022.-ben vettem a kocsimba.
Ez itt az asztalomon üzemel.
Kiszolgálás és ügyintézés továbbra is kifogástalan, budapesti üzletben Tamás úrnak elismerésem az udvarias munkájához.
Máskor is jövök vásárolni.
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Barátomnak rendeltem meg a rádiót, én 2 évvel ezelőtt vettem, nagyon jó rádió, azóta is használom.
Megbízható masina, ezért is ezt vettük ismét, sőt, én vettem még egy ilyen rádiót, külön a kocsimba is.
Kiszolgálás ill. Kovács Tamás úr nagyon kézséges,, udvarias kollega, gratulálok.
Továbbra is jövök, ha kell valami cucc.
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Am comandat stația împreuna cu modulul bluetooth și am încercat doua câștigat de la Plantronics. Spre surpriza mea funcționează perfect. Când apăs pe butonul căștii intra in emisie și dacă mai apeși o data ieșirea din emisie. Nivelul modulației este foarte bun și este foarte concluzie foarte mulțumit chiar dacă nu are funcția VOX. Așa a fost construită. Dacă ar fi avut și funcția vox ar fi fost mai completa.
Mi-a placut:
- Caracteristicile tehnice ale transceiverului au fost descris foarte bine pe site si se confirma perfect in practica. Bravo Yaesu!
- Ambalarea a fost corespunzatoare conditiilor de transport de la Budapesta la Bucuresti.
- Am putut comunica telefonic foarte prompt cu sellerul, pentru orice informatie suplimentara de care am avut nevoie.
Nu mi-a placut:
- Meniul de operare a statiei nu este atat de simplu asa cum promite producatorul si asta numai datorita manualelor .
- Manualul de operare nu este bine structurat in explicatii, pe alocuri mai sunt chiar inadvertente.
- Nici manualul avansat nu aduce prea multe detalii.
- Daca nu ai o minima experienta anterioara de lucru pe un transceiver VHF_UHF, iti va fi dificil sa setezi un repeater cu FTM-6000.
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Ennyi pénzért már a PMR frekvenciákon is üzemelhetne a teljesítménylimit betartásával. Ettől eltekintve jól működik.
F.Robira hallgattam és ismételten nem bántam meg! Kedves Alexandra neked is nagyon köszönöm! :)
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Ez már a második ilyen rádióm. Nagyon szuper ez a cucc, Anico-ék pedig jól dolgoznak!
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A rádió szuper! A kiszolgálás gyors, pontos. Kell ennél több?
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Nagyon megvagyok elégedve a kiszolgálással a készülék okos és kitűnő.
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Minden rendben korrektül és gyorsan zajlott!

5* köszönöm!
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Tökéletes, gyors ügyintézés, csomagküldés, azért, hogy át tudjam venni itt Budapesten a rádiót.
Többszöri emailváltás után, minden símán ment, és :
Manapság ritka erény!!!
Köszönöm a vásárlást.
Nagyon jó kis gép ez. Azoknak ajánlom, akiknek nem kell 1000 csengettyűcske, megelékszenek azzal, hogy kapnak egy jó rádiót. Én kitelepülésre használom.
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Nagyon segitő készek csak kevés választási lehetőség van raktárról!
eltuntek a jó rádiók Pl:yaseu 8900 stb
a gyártót felkell szólitani igen is forgalmazza azt kell gyártani ami a kereslet!