RM ITALY HLA150V PLUS HF linear power amplifier 150W VENTILATOR. RM ITALY HLA150V HF linear power amplifier is an all-band RH power amplifier with automatic or manual band switching.
It is specifically recommended for use only with transceivers up to 10W (e.g. FT-817/818, SUNSDR2 QRP and PRO, or handheld transceivers).
RM ITALY HLA150V PLUS HF linear power amplifier specifications:
- 1.8 - 30 MHz All-Mode All-Band
- Electronic switch
- PTT input
- Watt Meter
- 6 Low-pass filter manual or automatic selected
- Forced multispeed ventilation
Frequency: 1.8-30MHz
Power supply: 12-14 VDC
Current consumption: 24 A
Input power: 1-10W AM-FM, 2-20W SSB-CW
Output power: 150W AM-FM, 150W PEP SSB
Operating mode: All
Fuse: 2x12 A
Output Power Level: 2
Size: 191x290x80 mm
Weight: 2.0 kg
Warranty: the equipment is covered by the manufacturer's warranty for two years, except for end transistors, if the failure is due to causes attributable to: indirect or secondary effects of lightning, overheating, poor ventilation, exceeding specifications such as: overvoltage, high drive power, poor antenna SWR or antenna rupture. To avoid controversy, it is important to note that end transistors are not usually destroyed by other causes. By ordering you accept these warranty conditions, if not, we recommend not to order the device!
It is not recommended to use with older FT-857/897 radios because TX transients of the radio power control circuits.