Cookie information

To ensure the full functionality of the Anico webshop, we use cookies. It is important for us to make the webshop easy to use and to analyze your shopping and browsing habits.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

We - the marketing managers at Anico – hope, that you are ready to help us improving shopping and browsing experience by accepting cookies.

Handling personal data

If you want to download or delete your personal data stored in the shop, you can initiate it by entering your e-mail address.

Download and delete threads:

  1. Select Download or Delete.
  3. Enter your email address.
  5. Click the Confirm Email send button.

Then you will receive an email confirmation link that you can click to download or delete your personal data stored in the shop.

Important! Deletion is final and irrevocable. All your personal data will be deleted from the system, including any orders in progress.