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The warranty is provided for the given time period by the manufacturer through the dealer. The warranty period starts at the sale to the end user. For the validation of the warranty, the sales invoice or warranty card shall be submitted. 

The cost of delivery to the service is borne by the owner/operator of the equipment, while sending it back is paid by the service.

The warranty is only valid for the repair of the failures resulting from its intended use. Using the ham radio equipment outside of the radio amateur bands, failure caused by poor quality coaxial cable or antenna, natural forces, lightning strike, or its side effects (static discharges, etc.), are considered misuse of the equipment.

The warranty is not valid:
- if the failure was caused by improper use
- if the malfunction is caused by failure of product maintenance
- if the product has been repaired improperly or by unauthorised persons
- if the instructions for use have not been observed, or inappropriate maintenance materials have been used
- if the serial number does not correspond to the number on the warranty card/invoice
- if the malfunction was caused by incorrect transport, storage, accidental damage, external mechanical and/or chemical action.


Warranty periods and warnings for certain products sold by Anico Kft.

In compliance with LDG Electronics' strict warranty policy, the customer of LDG products acknowledges that warranty and non-warranty repairs will be carried out exclusively by LDG's own service department. There is no LDG service in Europe at present, Anico Ltd. is the intermediary for the warranty provided by the manufacturer. The manufacturer's warranty period is 2 years for private customers and companies. If you would like to know more about the warranty of your desired device before you buy, please contact our Customer Service!

For the batteries the warranty is valid for a maximum of 1 year, which means the capacity of the battery does not drop below 60% within one year. 

For the RM Italy power amplifiers the equipment is covered by the manufacturer's warranty for two years, except for end transistors, if the failure is due to causes attributable to: indirect or secondary effects of lightning, overheating, poor ventilation, exceeding specifications such as: overvoltage, high drive power, poor antenna SWR or antenna rupture. To avoid controversy, it is important to note that end transistors are not usually destroyed by other causes. By ordering you accept these warranty conditions, if not, we recommend not to order the device!

For Motorola Solutions and Hytera professional radios the warranty is 2 years for private customers and companies.

For Caltta professional radios the warranty is 3 years for private customers and companies.

The warranty period for Yaesu amateur radio transmitters is 5 years for private customers and companies.

Standard Horizon marine band and airband transceivers are warranted for 3 years private customers and companies.


Operation and warranty of radioamateur/ham equipment

Please consider, that generally the operation of the ham radio transceivers does not include operation outside the amateur radio bands, thus the warranty covers only the failures resulting from the intended use. Using the ham radio equipment outside of the radio amateur bands, failure caused by poor quality coaxial cable or antenna, natural forces, lightning strike, or its side effects (static discharges, etc.), are considered misuse of the equipment. The operation of a transmitter requires a proper licensing. Using the equipment without a valid license is against the law. For licensing please contact the telecommunication authority of your country. 

The specifications of radio amateur equipment is only guaranteed within the amateur bands, and these specifications are understood with +/- 10% of tolerance. The specifications can deteriorate outside the amateur band, which is no ground for any complaints. Without a separate license, the use of the transmitter of the amateur radio equipment outside the amateur bands (transmitting out of band) is prohibited (the amateur radio license is not valid for that).  The user or operator of the equipment has full responsibility for its consequences. 


Important information

·         We do not service non-warranty products.

·         We do not service or extend the frequency of transceivers that were not purchased from us.

·         We send warranty Yaesu units to the UK for warranty repair.

·         Warranted units can be delivered personally to our Budapest and Nyíregyháza offices during opening hours or it can be sent by courier. Service is carried out in Nyíregyháza. Addresses: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Debreceni út 127. Hungary & 1107 Budapest, Ceglédi street 1-3. Hungary

You can find more information about warranty in the Terms&Conditions.

If you want to know more about the warranty of the needed equipment, please contact our Customer Service.