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Dispatcher programmes - eChat by Anico POC radios & accessories

The dispatching software allows the dispatcher to conveniently view and manage all the services of the communication platform through a clear interface, easily coordinate the team's work and their geographical location using GPS-based positioning. Dispatch programs can be extremely useful in a wide range of industries and services. These programs can help you use resources more efficiently, optimize schedules, track workflow, and manage logistics. Dispatch programs are designed to optimize resources, increase efficiency and better manage processes. However, it's important to understand that the effectiveness and usefulness of these programs depends on the specific application and the right settings, so be sure to ask us our help with testing and final selection!
Unlike traditional transmitters, eChat PoC (Push-to-talk over Cellular) transceivers use the Internet network instead of direct radio communication to reach each other, thus ensuring unlimited range. To operate a PoC system, a PoC provider is needed, as the devices are interconnected, and call is handled by dedicated servers are responsible for this. For the eChat system, this service is provided in Hungary by Anico Kft. The technology and the handsets were developed by Caltta, ZTE's transceiver subsidiary, and run custom software for Anico Kft. Hence the common brand name: eChat by Anico.
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Product number: DISPATCHER
150.55 EUR
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The Anico eChat Dispatcher Console software is the right tool for efficient, state-of-the-art job management. The software program, which is available for PCs running the Windows® operating system, allows you to conveniently overview and handle all the most important services of the Anico eChat communication platform on a single, easy-to-handle user interface. You will find it convenient to handle talk groups, record and replay conversations or send messages. All tools are available to you to efficiently coordinate the workflow of your teams in which you can always rely on accurate GPS-based location information.