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To ensure the full functionality of the Anico webshop, we use cookies. It is important for us to make the webshop easy to use and to analyze your shopping and browsing habits.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

We - the marketing managers at Anico – hope, that you are ready to help us improving shopping and browsing experience by accepting cookies.

Anico Kft. is officially the exclusive distributor of Caltta Technologies in Hungary!

After several years of cooperation, we have officially become the exclusive distributor of Caltta Technologies products in Hungary. This new agreement further solidifies our partnership with the company which develops Caltta and eChat transceivers.

Our exclusive partnership is limited to Hungary, but we are also official distributors in Romania, Slovakia, Austria and Uzbekistan.

Caltta certification Anico Kft.

Labels attached to the content: Caltta DMR eChat PoC