The New FT-991A - HF/50/144/430 MHz All-Mode "Field Gear" Transceiver
We are very pleased to announce the introduction ofthe new FT-991A HF/50/144/430MHz AII-Mode "Field Gear" Transceiver.
FT-991 - Pricing Change and Product Discontinuation
Yaesu warranty extention
We are pleased to inform you that effective immediately, we will extend the warranty period for all YAESU and STANDARD HORIZON products from two(2) years to three (3) years.
New Exciting Yaesu Field Gear FT-891 HF/50 MHz 100 W All Mode Transceiver
Measuring 6.1” x 2.0” x 8.6” (155 x 52 x 218 mm), The FT-891 is an innovative Multi-band, Multi-mode Mobile/Portable transceiver with Ultra Compact and rugged case design.
Introduction of the Yaesu DR-1XE repeater, its usage with Echolink and HRI-200
In 2015 the Yaesu Corporation started a large scale campaign to promote the C4FM digital mode. With a series of sales and marketing activities, they made available the digital hand-held and mobile radios, the DR1X repeaters, making up the backbone of the system, and the HRI-200 computer adapters. In this article the connection of the repeaters, and the use of the HRI-200 adapter, will be described.
Digital Communication part 3 - Introducing the DR-1XE repeater
After we came to know the various digital modulation types, communication modes and protocols, and the most important features of the System Fusion system, let's have a closer look at the core of the system, the DR-1X repeater.
Release of the Upgraded Version of the FTM-400 and FT1D
Which digital system is suitable for the radio amateurs?
As we mentioned before, the digital communication was not quite attractive for the amateurs, primarily because it was hard to understand, how it works. The digital modes have three separable categories, which we have to understand: the type of modulation, the type of communication (multiplication), and the protocol.
Everyday digital communication in amateur radio
Radio amateurs have always been pioneers of experimenting, testing and developing new modes and technologies. Just remember, that in the early days after the spark system, with the introduction of the electron tubes, the Morse telegraphy (also called CW) had spread, where the carrier frequency is keyed. Then AM modulation came, which you can still find in medium-wave and shortwave broadcasting.
Additional New Feature of Yaesu FTDX-3000D & FTDX-1200 - Waterfall Display
We are pleased to announce a major software update from Yaesu for FTDX-3000D & FTDX-1200 transceivers. This firmware update presents the new Waterfall feature, an enhancement to the Band Scope display. The new very useful Waterfall feature will make these radios more enjoyable to operate.
NEW Product Update Information - WIRES-X Features for YAESU FT-991
The YAESU FT-991 HF/50MHzJVHF/UHF All-Mode Transceiver continues to be the most popular and well-received of its class worldwide therefore, we are pleased to announce yet another powerful new software update that will help further increase the popularity of this wonderful unit. This exciting new firmware update enables the YAESU FT-991 operator to connect to a WIRES-X Node station and easily communicate worldwide thorugh the WIRES-X VoIP network, without the need for any additional accessories.