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Interesting facts, exciting news, what's new in the world of transceivers!
Proper Charge Methods

Proper Charge Methods

13/11/2017 09:45:11 AM

To a large extent, the performance and longevity of rechargeable batteries depends on the quality of the chargers. Battery chargers are commonly given low priority, especially on consumer products. Choosing a quality charger makes sense. This is especially true when considering the high cost of battery replacements and the frustration that poorly performing batteries create. In most cases, the extra money invested is returned because the batteries last longer and perform more efficiently.

Firmware Update C4FM  + System Fusion II.

Firmware Update C4FM + System Fusion II.

13/10/2017 10:07:49 AM

YAESU will ship the DR-2X repeaters in the beginning of October. Considering shipping by sea, we expect the first pieces in the first part of December. Please pay attention that the existing radios should be compatible with the System Fusion II, and capable of the new features of Digital Group ID and Digital Personal ID. All software should be updated, these are downloadable from the YAESU website. YAESU will ship the new radios with the new software, and they will carry the SYSTEM FUSION II COMPATIBLE sticker.

Some words about new radios and new repeaters

Some words about new radios and new repeaters

14/07/2017 11:20:57 AM
A nyár kellős közepén járunk és többnyire mindnyájan a hamarosan bekövetkező nyaralásra, pihenésre gondolunk. Mi az Aniconál egészen biztosan, hiszen az idén egyszerre veszi ki a 10 napos szabadságát a híradástechnikai üzletág július 21-től augusztus 1-ig. Ezidő alatt bezárjuk az ajtót és sem telefonon sem emailben nem leszünk elérhetőek. Ha valaki mégis ezidő alatt próbál minket keresni attól türelmet kérünk. Augusztus elsejétől kezdjük el sorrendben feldolgozni a beérkezett webáruházas megrendeléseket és egyéb emaileket. Emiatt augusztus elején lehet némi csúszás a kiszállításokban.
What do you have to know about weather stations?

What do you have to know about weather stations?

27/04/2017 12:43:02 PM
Did you know that weather stations are getting more and more popular? Not only we get precise information on the current weather, but historical data can also be retrieved and displayed. The wireless weather stations have colour or black/white LCD displays, robust sensors, and some models even have WiFi connectivity.  Their outstanding function is the alarm, which is triggered when the sensors detect extreme weather conditions.
New firmware upgrade for Yaesu radios

New firmware upgrade for Yaesu radios

10/03/2017 01:23:59 PM
Yaesu have posted the New Firmware Updates of the FT-991, FT-991A, FT-891.
New Exceptional Sound Speaker SP-10/ SP-20

New Exceptional Sound Speaker SP-10/ SP-20

20/02/2017 08:45:27 AM

We are very pleased to introduce two new Yaesu SP-10 & SP-20 External Sound Speakers; appealing additions for any ham shack with Yaesu FT-991/FT-99 lA, FTDX 1200 and/or Yaesu FTDX 3000D in the operating position. 

Last year Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd was celebrating 60 years anniversary

Last year Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd was celebrating 60 years anniversary

10/02/2017 09:22:52 AM

In 2016 it was 60 years of Sako Hasegawa JA1MP founding the company called Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd. The name YAESU is still one of the districts of Tokyo. The name is related to the Dutch adventurer Jan Joosten, who in the 17th century donated a house to the community of Edo (part of Tokyo today), which was named after him by the locals to Yayosu Quay, and it changed over time to YAESU. This is where Sako founded the company, and named it after. The word Musen means radio in Japanese. At the beginning they produced car radios built on valves, but later they repositioned to amateur radio.

Vertex Standard looks to boost sales in EMEA in 2017

Vertex Standard looks to boost sales in EMEA in 2017

02/02/2017 03:37:26 PM

The Motorola Solutions owned Japanese company is aiming to capitalise on increasing sales of its digital,analogue and PMR 446 products in Europe, as James Atkinson reports. Vertex Standard, the Japanese PMR manufacturer owned by Motorola Solutions,is looking to increase its presence in the EMEA region by creating a dedicated sales team and overhauling its reseller base.

YAESU New Reference Microphone M-1

YAESU New Reference Microphone M-1

19/09/2016 11:56:34 AM

We are pleased to introduce the M-1 YAESU Reference Microphone. The M-1 Reference Microphone is the ultimate, high-quality, innovative desktop microphone, dedicated to the most discriminating Ham Radio Operators. It features combined Condenser and Dynamic microphone elements.

The New FT-991A - HF/50/144/430 MHz All-Mode "Field Gear" Transceiver

The New FT-991A - HF/50/144/430 MHz All-Mode "Field Gear" Transceiver

12/09/2016 10:42:45 AM

We are very pleased to announce the introduction ofthe new FT-991A HF/50/144/430MHz AII-Mode "Field Gear" Transceiver. 

FT-991 - Pricing Change and Product Discontinuation

FT-991 - Pricing Change and Product Discontinuation

07/09/2016 01:22:01 PM
Thank you for your business with Yaesu. We introduce the FT-991 A that includes a new eye-stimulating Dynamic Real-Time Spectrum Scope and Multi-Color Waterfall Display. We believe that the new FT-991 A will be widely accepted as an Wide-Coverage transceiver in the market and will be useful to stimulate your business with the Yaesu products furthermore. 
Yaesu warranty extention

Yaesu warranty extention

08/06/2016 01:39:23 PM

We are pleased to inform you that effective immediately, we will extend the warranty period for all YAESU and STANDARD HORIZON products from two(2) years to three (3) years.