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Interesting facts, exciting news, what's new in the world of transceivers!
PMR446 frequency table

PMR446 frequency table

27/01/2023 11:16:58 AM

Since 2018, you are no longer limited to using only 8 channels with PMR446 transceivers/walkie talkies, but - thanks to an EU regulation - you can also use up to 16 channels, or  even 32 channels if you have dPMR devices. The table below shows which channel represents which frequency. For programming industrial PMR radios, this guide is particularly useful.

 Three extra features for Caltta transceivers

Three extra features for Caltta transceivers

20/01/2023 08:49:00 AM

In this blog post, we would like to introduce three really useful Caltta features.

Anico Kft. is officially the exclusive distributor of Caltta Technologies in Hungary!

Anico Kft. is officially the exclusive distributor of Caltta Technologies in Hungary!

30/11/2022 08:43:18 AM
After several years of cooperation, we have officially become the exclusive distributor of Caltta Technologies products in Hungary.
Caltta PM790 - a wealth of possibilities

Caltta PM790 - a wealth of possibilities

15/11/2022 03:44:15 PM

For work radios, there are certain requirements that can be considered basic for both a car-mounted mobile and a desktop base station.

eChat E720, taking internet radio to a new level

eChat E720, taking internet radio to a new level

06/10/2022 11:23:00 AM

For now, only demo units are available, but soon the shipment will arrive and the device will be available for purchase from Anico Kft.

BURABU 2022 - Anico will be there!

BURABU 2022 - Anico will be there!

19/09/2022 12:30:20 PM
The Budapest Amateur Radio Association, the HA5KHC Puskás Tivadar Amateur Radio Club and Anico Kft. invite all HAM amateurs and interested people to their yearly meeting and fair, the Budapest Radio Amateur Bugi 2022.
Finally the long awaited new digital pmr446 transceiver is here!

Finally the long awaited new digital pmr446 transceiver is here!

23/08/2022 08:23:00 AM

Motorola Solutions stopped producing the dPMR mode XT660D transceivers in 2021 and stocks were quickly running out, so the question was: which radio could take its place that is both industrial-grade, analogue/digital and can operate on the PMR446 band without the need for a frequency licence?

Case study - using two-way radios at the Mogyoród Aquaréna Water Amusement Park

Case study - using two-way radios at the Mogyoród Aquaréna Water Amusement Park

14/07/2022 11:45:07 AM

The Mogyoród Aquaréna Water Amusement Park has recently purchased a fleet of Motorola Talkabout T92 H2O waterproof walkie talkies. We talked to them about their experiences using the walkie-talkies.

Szombathely, history, carnival... and transceivers

Szombathely, history, carnival... and transceivers

27/08/2022 09:36:00 AM

We faced a new and challenging task at the end of August 2022. The 21st Savaria Historical Carnival, the emblematic event of the summer in Szombathely, was held for the 21st time, where we had to install a complex transceiver system with dispatching software.

We organised a Motorola reseller meeting in Budapest

We organised a Motorola reseller meeting in Budapest

23/06/2022 09:35:55 AM

We had been impatiently waiting for 3 years to finally organise a reseller meeting, which event had to be constantly delayed due to the pandemic. June 2, 2022 is an important date in our lives, because this was the day we could finally hold the reseller meeting and present this year's TOP 3 Motorola transceivers.

New models and features in Caltta PH series

New models and features in Caltta PH series

09/06/2022 12:03:08 PM
The Caltta PH600 series has been given extra features and 3 new models have been added. There are now 4 different types of handheld transceivers available for the PH series to meet different needs.
10 reasons why eChat is the best system to work with

10 reasons why eChat is the best system to work with

27/04/2022 09:15:08 AM

Certain workflows require a properly qualified team. And well-qualified teams need fast and stable communication.